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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  April 13, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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good evening... i'm bria a 49er arrested at l.a.x. the police says his words landed him in big trouble. good evening. kpix reporter brian webb is in the news room why linebacker, smith , is in trouble again. >> reporter: he is accused of yelling "bomb" in front of the tsa and will have to come home to answer questions about the latest accusations of his bad behavior. >> reporter: it tmz video shows smith handcuffed and escorted out of l.a.x. the arrest happened on sunday in terminal 1 after smith was chosen at random for a secondary screening. the police say that the 24-year- old became uncoptive and at one
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pointed he had a -- uncooperative and at one point, he had a bomb. >> reporter: bomb threats at airports are serious business this in a post september 11th world. but that does not mean the case always goes to court. smith's alleged bad behavior did not help his cause and his celebrity status may actually work against him. >> i profile a guy like this get a break because he is a pro football player? >> vice versa. or it is anybody's guess. because this is a celebrity we will not let it go. >> reporter: plus the 49ers past legal problems may be new issues n. 2012 he was accused of illegal position of a possession at his home and he vol up tear -- voluntarily went into a treatment plan. the best advice, get a good
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lawyer. something he should be able to afford. >> get a good lawyer. >> that is my advice to anybody who finds themselves in this sort of situation. >> reporter: no bomb was found but the nfl could punish him any way. something they were considering long before this incident. brian webb, kpix5. >> 49er general manager released a statement quote we are disappointed of learning of the incident involving smith. as it is a pending legal matter we are still gathering important facts we will have no further comment. now, smith is not the only 49er to have run in with the law. chris colifer was involved in a hit and run case involving a pedestrian. and kaepernick was reported in a speugz incident with a woman.
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nobody -- in a suspicious case with a woman. now, a fire today, the firefighters used a ladder truck to douse the flames. you can see the smoke coming out from blocks away. the photos were take when they got to the scene. two firefighters were treated for minor injuries. nobody else was hurt. homeless people are known to use it as a shelter. it used to host a tv station until 1994. they were familiar with the building because it sat across the street from the firefighters facility. there was this fire that tore through warehouses last night. we spoke with the owner of the complex today. >> reporter: the morning after fire destroyed warehouses and offices of 4 businesses, firefighters were still putting out hot spots and business owners were assessing their loss. >> back to you.
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look at all of the expensive slabs, they went that way. see the whole thing? wow. >> reporter: bill, who owns import tile and the building housing the other films, puts his loss at $1 million. >> you see that burn palette you would have to lift. you would -- it would be -- all hell would break out as soon as you pick that up. >> reporter: the saturday night fire along i-80 east of university avenue lit up the sky. fire went into the flames the pressure dropped. did it hinder the effort? >> not really. but what did hinder the firefighterring effort is high- powered high voltage power line that dropped across our vehicle and was dancing in front of the building. >> reporter: the wire brushing the chief's shoulder and forcing the compand center to change locations. >> we had water everywhere. standing in a puddle of water and you have an electrical line in the water you can get shocked or electrocuted.
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>> nobody was hurt. pg&e crews reconnected lines that cut off fire. the fire started in the warehouse shop. >> the wooden furniture stores are sitting ducks for big fires. >> reporter: wooden duck's show room, in a separate building, was not harmed. >> if they can determine the building can be made safe, fire investigators will go inside and try to determine what causedda that fire. in in berkeley, don kna about pp, kpix5. a witness reported in last week's deadly bus crash may not be accurate. no evidence from the scene showing the fedex truck was on fire before it crashed into the tour bus on i-5. now, they will look at the driver's phone records and medical records and check if either driver inhaled smoke before the crash. our fire group examined the accidents scene and vehicles.
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there is no evidence of preimpact fire located at the accident scene. on the median or on the highway. >> the black box was recovered from the bus but it is not cheer how much information it contains. quick thinking about one young survivor likely saved many passenger's lives. today he told cbs reporter teri okita that that he wishes he could have done more. >> you can remember the truck coming right at you. >> >> yes, yes. >> reporter: 18-year-old miles hill was sitting near the front of the bus. the horror that followed remains vivid. >> i have really bad nightmares about it. every time i close my eyes i hear scheming, boom, i see fire. >> reporter: and he saw people dying. >> i watched a person burn alive. i can never forget that. i shielded my face with my arm and i kicked out the window in more or less the same incident and booked it, 36 people made it out, 20 something of which came out of my window that i
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kick canned open. >> reporter: most that escaped are back home. miles is one of two who remains hospitalized. >> second-degree burns on both of my hands and down my left thigh and on the bottom of my right right leg. >> when you look at the foot annual and see how bad of a crash it is? >> it is surreal. >> reporter: he wants to major in computer science. had his father said his future was as bright as all of those that rode the charter bus. >> it is difficult to say i am glad my son is alive and breathing and at the same time i am aware -- as a parent you can not imagine sending your kids away to college for an event and dead by the end of the day. >> reporter: kicking that hole in the window, miles hill is credited with helping save numerous students. he still feels it was not enough. >> it was like -- i am either going to die or all of these people are going to die. i would much rather have it be
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me if i could save all of them i would have. >> that was teri okita reporter. stay with us for more stories of is survival and the latest on the ntsb investigation. new word that a submarine will be sent deep into the indian ocean to search for the wreckage of the malaysian flight. it will be launched as soon as possible. the underwater vehicle found sound and could be looking in the area where electric pings were heard last week. investigators believe the batteries powering the locators on the jet's black box recorder may already be dead. a gunman opened fire outside of two jewish community centers in kansas today, killing three people. they arrested the gunman. wendy gillette has the story. >> reporter: officers led the suspect, accused of two deadly shootings at jewish facilities near kansas city, into a police
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car on sunday. the man identified as fraiser glen miller. family members identified them as lewis corprin and his 14- year-old grandson, police say miller drove to a jewish retirement community where he shot another female victim to death in the parking lot. they say he shot at two others but missed. the officials say it is unclear if the centers were targeted for their religion. >> act of violence and, you know, obviously two jewish facilities one might make that a assumption. he made anti-semitic remarks after he was arrested. >> we have no indication that he knew the victims. >> reporter: miller may have been armed with three guns, shotgun, handgun and an assault rifle. arrested it in the parking lot
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of nearby elementary school. the community center was locked down after the shooting. >> it was really scary. i mean, people are calling their loved ones. >> reporter: back to you. >> sources say the suspect say former leader of the carolina knights of the kkk who posted more than 12,000 times on an anticemettic web site. at least three tornadoes touched down in southern oklahoma tonight. the funnel clouds were caught on camera. there was no damage or injuries but there were reports of a few power lines down. the storms in that part of the country has brought hail, strong winds and thunderstorms. still ahead, going nowhere. the big problems this busted elevator has been creating for weeks. plus, guilty of buying and returning stuff over and over? how long before stores put you on their black list? >> nobody will return this forecast. sunny, warm just for the workweek.
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and for a celestial spectacular. details after the break ,,,,,,,,
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kpix 5's mark kelly reports. tenants say they're fed up. theel straighter that one san francisco high-rise has been broken for more than five weeks. mark kelly reports, the tenants say they are fed up. >> reporter: the hotel helps the formally homeless get back on their feet. march 4th theel straighter stopped working. that means grace has to walk up and down four flights with her cane and scoliosis. >> the pain from 1-10 it is 8 and up sometimes. >> just a mess right now with this elevator. >> reporter: this man wheelchair bound, needed a team to help him get up and down several flights. >> i made it down. >> how? >> people helped me down.
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>> i spoke with a housing manager from the the heartland over the phone. she said we are not allowed to go inside and get video but she said the elevator should be finished in the next week. nothing mellishous is happening here but tenants say otherwise. >> from 2009 up until now they kept. [indiscernible] they did not fix the problem. it was down for 2 weeks, two days later it was down and not back up since. >> reporter: staff tells us that they are going through numerous lengths to fix the elevator, finding 10 tphapts other places to live. but it needs to be rewired and they say that takes time. >> the elevator. >> reporter: she is trying to pack up her u haul to move out but the broken elevator has her big furniture stuck on the 6th floor, making it difficult to put the heartland behind her and all due to a single brokenel straighter. >> if it is not up in two weeks i am going to lose it. >> reporter: in the tender
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loin, mark kelly, kpix5. >> they say the elevator is in the final stages of getting fixed. well, b.a.r.t has hired a high-priced consultant to ease its labor pains. they will help figure out what went wrong in labor negotiations that that led to 2 strikes last year and recommend any changes that should be made within the transit agency. of all of the city has, a lot of parking spaces is not one of them. this summer it will be hardtory park in san francisco. they are thinking about leasing 450 of the 280,000 onstreet parking spaces to ride share cars. several public hearings are going to be held. ride sharing is very popular and the company's promise, they swear, they will pick up no more than 2 spots per city block. well, are you a chronic returner? someone who buys things to try on and take back?
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julie watts says storing are keeping tabs and cracking down. >> finding delivers at her door is not uncommon for her and neither is filling out return label and shipping it back. >> i would say that about half of the things that i it actually buy i end up returning. >> reporter: she is not alone. 15% of all items are returned. causing retailers as -- costing retailers $375 billion a year. more and more companies are keeping tabs on chronic returners. with the help of a bay area company called agil1. >> we look at returns in relation to the provability of a customer. for example, if you return 50 items that can be really terrible if you keep 1 but if you return 50 items and end up buying 200 it is fantastic. >> they track 521 million customers and flags 1% of return-a-holics. they send back more than they keep. stores are starting to use the
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data to curve chronic returning. >> what we see is stores starting to find ways to perhaps spend less money on you or find ways to have you return less. >> reporter: some stores stopped sending coupons to regular returners and others are limiting promotions for products you are les likely to return like jewelry, watches, beauty products some, are revoking free shipping from certain customers and experts say before long, everyone should exabout about pect to see regular restocking fees. -- expect to see regular restocking fees. >> it is doubtful she has been flagged but even if she was, she says, she would not change a thing. >> i don't think it will make me shop less or return less. >> reporter: back to you. >> the company says customers profiles are updated every day. so, return-a-holics can change their status by making
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purchases and keeping them. exactly 24 hours from now we will be in the early stages of what will eventually become a total lunar eclipse after midnight. tomorrow night it will be underway during the newscast o. monday night we will have live coverage for you. give you a bit of a preview tonight. in the meantime, we will head outside. a few more clouds out there on the bay bridge, beautifully lit up. the numbers near in the 50s, 51 in santa rose a. tomorrow morning, starting the workweek it looks most he sunny, low clouds, close to the shoreline, and the temperatures will start out with readings mostly in the low to middle 50s for the bay area. tomorrow by the beach, looking for numbers to be about 67 degrees. a mix, 5 feet, waves do not a point to much. tomorrow afternoon, looks nice. inland, warming up to the 80 degree range. middle 70s around the bay and at the coast. with we will be warm about for this time of the year.
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high pressure, it is keeping us with mostly sunny conditions tomorrow. for the high builds and the temperatures warm. the high will not be there for awhile. it is just going to be there pretty much tomorrow and then with low pressure replacing it on tuesday we will cool it off. first warm, then cool. but, we are getting a tendency for increasing sunshine. good at inteuspating in-- anticipating the weather. it is not bad. here is what is next in a nutshell. most he sunny skies for tomorrow. warmer for monday. the temperatures will cool off by midweek. and there is no rain in sight. as for the lunar eclipse the moon -- this is a die gram. the moon does not rise as an eclipse but gives you -- diagram. the moon does not rise as an eclipse but gives you an idea of what it will look like.
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totality is from 12:27 a.m. tomorrow night. we hope we get clear skies. we shall see. for tomorrow, heading out to the airport, morning clouds, winds out of the west at 15. high of 69 degrees, low of 51. and for hub check, getting out of the bay area, rain mixed with snow in chicago. newyork, not bad, 70 degrees. tomorrow, 80 degrees kwaorbgs at livermore, south bay, middle 70s, up in the north bay, san francisco tomorrow, 69. 74 in nevado. berkeley, 73 degrees and then 82 at antioch. low clouds and sun in the afternoon. that is weather but there is something really weird going on in the sky. >> yes, more space news, coming up, it looks like a flying saucer, nasa's newest effort
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that can one day put people on mars. i'm dennis o'donell. coming up right here next on "gameday." two of the lock amteam its went overtime with a thriller at at&t. >> he is out the at the plate and overtime in portland. we will drop the puck on the stanley cup playoffs. breaking down the master's. "gameday" is next ,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart.
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super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive.
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powered test vehicle into s. cbs reporter amy johnson shs us... it looks like it belos in a couple months, nasa will be firing a new test
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vehicle into space. >> amy johnson shows it to us, it looks like it belongs out of this world. >> reporter: this device that looks some what like a flying saucer could ultimately land humans on mars. >> the idea is to extend the human presence into the solarsystem. mars is the first place to do that. >> reporter: the folks at the laboratory have been working on this low density supersonic decelerator for years, and let our camera in the room where it is stored. >> you have to slow down when you go to mars so we use a parachute. >> they outgrown all indoor testing space, now they will test this parachute and the large ring around it off of hawaii. >> this project is aimed as providing the technologies for technology area called entry descent and landing. one of the major challenges for sustained exploration of mars. >> reporter: the device will be launched by a balloon, a
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rocket will shoot it up to 180,000 feet, four times the speed of sound to see if it can withstand the conditions on mars. >> one of the big problems of exploring mars, entry descent and landing. getting stuff down to marses. the atmosphere is different than earth, thinner than earth. >> reporter: the device is the same as the one that took curiosity to mars but adapted to handle a bigger payload, perhaps, get humans to the red planet. >> we prove we think it could have more drag. the size of the parachute is different. we want to land things bigger than the rover. we want to land them at higher altitudes and more accurately than we landed the rover. >> can't wait. it is scheduled for june 3rd. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,, the great american novel.
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